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Transform your career in The Accelerator 

Learn how to implement proven career strategies that will help you land a 5-figure salary increase in 6 months. 

Leverage your current transferable skills

Land interviews without submitting hundreds of resumes

Bypass the tedious job application process

Job anxiety and money stress are not your destiny

You shouldn’t have to put up with feeling overworked, undervalued, and underpaid. Or operate on some unspoken rule that you’ll get the compensation and respect *eventually*. A lot of women — especially Black women and women of color — settle for this, and assume a 6-figure job is unattainable for them. We’re here to show you that it’s not only possible — but more than that, the way forward.

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Video courses facilited by Shaque'l

Access to a growing community of support

Expertly crafted and curated resources

There’s a way up and a way out

To more money, more respect, better benefits, better treatment, and a work environment that adds to your life instead of draining it.


Where landing an interview becomes a sure thing, not a surprise. Where getting the raise makes you feel like “Yes! I deserve this!” and not “Really? Am I good enough to deserve this?”


All from leveraging the skills you have, and levelling up your resources.

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The Accelerator 

Payment Plan

One Payment



Lifetime access to The Accelerator Course facilitated by Shaque'l  ($997 value)


A digital copy of The A.S.A.P. Career Strategy Implementation Guide/Workbook ($367 value)


Save $367


Most Popular


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Lifetime Access to everything in The Accelerator: Standard 

($1,364 value)

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3 month access to bi-weekly LIVE group coaching sessions with our expert career strategists ($1,593 value)

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3 months group Resume and LinkedIn feedback to ensure you're on the right path to your 6 Figure Future.



Save $960

Renews every 3 months





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Lifetime Access to everything in The Accelerator: Standard ($1,364 value)

3 month access to bi-weekly LIVE group coaching sessions with our expert career strategists ($1,593 value)

3 - Monthly 1:1 coaching with YOUR dedicated career strategist 

($2,997 value)

3 - Months extended Slack support from our entire team ($1,947 value)

Get the hands on, customized expertise you're looking for.


Save $4,904


Join the Waitlist!
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*Prices are contingent on payment arrangements made through AfterPay or Paypal.


$30k average salary increases in just 3-6 months for
300+ clients that have trusted us with their careers

…but don’t take our word for it. Trust theirs:

“I had so many companies reach out to me. I ultimately decided to stay with my current company, was able to negotiate my salary with a new position.. I am happy to announce that I am officially making six figures.”

- Kelly D.

“My salary increased by $30,000 and I am up for a promotion this month which will include a $20k increase! This is in 1 year’s time!”


- Taniesha C.

"I was offered a job in the field that I want and it came with a $23,000 pay increase. All I've ever known was customer service and I thought I could only work in call center environments. But you made me view myself and my skills differently."

- Desirae B.

Stop wasting time and let us show you how to ...

  • Have a resume and LinkedIn profile so optimized that recruiters will be falling over themselves to get into your inbox.

  • Be prophetic-level prepared for every interview you land (because yes, you’re going to get *a lot* more)

  • Be confident in your transferable skills, and have a bevy of new skills to land you that 6-figure role

  • Face promotions, raises, and recruiters with pride, not surprise

  • Rest easy between each payday because you have enough money to pay your bills, book that trip *and* the braiding appointment, and live your life to the fullest — fuller than you ever thought possible

Delete “how to land a 6 figure job” from your Google search history. 

Instead, get ready to know your worth and have the tools to get the job that knows it, and pays you what you're worth, too.​

How about a bonus?

Not that we needed another reason to sweeten the deal, but once you join any level of this program, you get access to a private job board made just for you. 


No seriously, just for you.


While the jobs we share on Instagram and TikTok are shared with thousands of other job-seekers (and typically come down within 48 hours) this job board gives you extended, direct access to available roles that you’re perfectly fit for.


The best part? No one else in our community will get access to these roles from us during that time.

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I’m Shaque'l — Founder, Lead Career Strategist, Your Favorite 6 Figure Chick™, and Living Proof

I made these resources because I was in the same struggle bus you were in. I wanted something more, something better, for myself. Eventually, I achieved it — but I didn’t want to keep my success to myself. I wanted to help all women in low barrier-to-entry roles get the more and better they deserve.


I’d say I’m making good on my promises — in less than 2 years, we’ve helped 300+ clients land new jobs with an average $30k uptick in their salary, and helped a community of 490,000+ women take back control of their lives and transform their careers on social media.


And we don’t do it by regurgitating vague, mass-produced tips you could Google yourself. My team of career strategists and I put all of our expertise and industry insight into this program so we could give you all the guidance you’ll ever need — all in one place.

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Program Facilitator


Nandi Holmes

Career Strategist & The Accelerator Facilitator

Past Careers: Higher Education, Education Technology

You heard it here first: Nandi is the queen of the pivot. From teaching at a university in Maryland to strategizing in non-profit spaces, she’s had to figure a lot out on her own. And she wants to share her knowledge and expertise to make things a little easier for you. 

When she’s not managing our 12-week program, she’s exploring industry trends, raising her sassy 3-year-old daughter, or posting up in front of a horror film with a piping hot chai latté after a long day.


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⬇️ Let me walk you through just how much you’re getting in this program: ⬇️

Curated resources that’ll help you take small steps to big money moves (Valued at $367)


That Includes…


  • A Resume Template: to help you leverage your professional experience and expertise, and magnetize recruiters to your inbox

  • LinkedIn Template & Checklist: to make your profile an irresistible, algorithm-approved recruiter-attracting goldmine

  • Tech Job Titles: that don’t require technical experience or a degree, but do allow you to transition into a fulfilling role or career 

  • Tech Staffing List: so you can get in where you want to fit in at big-name companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon

  • Interview Template: to set you up for success and help you leave a lasting impression when you land that interview

  • Career Transfer List: a comprehensive guide on better-paying and exciting new careers you can explore based on your current role

  • Skills Transfer List: …new skills you can acquire based on your current role and/or skills

  • STAR Q&A: or Situation, Task, Answer, Result — a proven framework to help you come up with clear and concise answers to a bunch of possible interview questions

If you’re following along, the math is indeed mathing — everything in The Accelerator: Plus program AND the 90-Day access to our private job board is valued altogether at $3,454. 

All the resources, group coaching calls, job board and networking opportunities — intentionally designed to help you land a better, higher-paying job. 


However, we’re giving it all to you for only $1,997. No, we’re not missing a 0. That’s the price.


Saving you God knows how many hours Googling. Rescuing you from the stress and desperation of your current situation. And transporting you toward a life of freedom, confidence, and joy. 


Why? Because you shouldn’t have to break the piggy bank to make more money — not in this economy! We want you to succeed, to experience the joy of making this kind of money, to finally be appreciated and for everyone — including you — to know your worth.


TL;DR? Simply put: you deserve it.


Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Made it all the way down here? 

Well, just in case you forgot, here’s everything you get in The Accelerator: Plus

  • Online course facilitated by Shaque'l (Valued at $997)

  • Resume Template (Valued at $47)

  • LinkedIn Template & Checklist (Valued at $47)

  • Tech Job Titles (Valued at $17)

  • Tech Staffing List (Valued at $17)

  • Interview Template (Valued at $47)

  • Career Transfer List (Valued at $47)

  • Skills Transfer List (Valued at $47) 

  • STAR Q&A (Valued at $98)

  • Bi-weekly 90-minute Group Coaching Sessions a month (Valued at $1,593)

  • 90-day access to a Private Job Board (Valued at $497)

Total Value: $3,454

Your Price: 


Prep yourself to become irresistible to recruiters, ace every interview, leverage your transferable skills and gain new ones that help move the needle, and land that higher-paying job that gives you more and better to enjoy.

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