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If  you’ve ever Googled “what job to transition into if I’m a…” or “how to get a higher paying job
and are still stuck in the same place, then this is the service for you.


Get DMs full of recruiters and a calendar booked with job interviews without lifting a finger 

okay, maybe a couple of fingers - but we do the heavy lifting

(or, keep reading for more info on what you get in this service)

The job search process
shouldn’t be this hard

Real talk: desperately applying for every and any job hasn’t worked before, and it isn’t going to start working now. 


We’re not saying we’re mind readers, but we can hear you screaming internally “Can someone please help me with this, I’m losing my mind!” all the way from our corner of the Internet. 


Don’t start pulling out your hair just yet, sis. Our team of career strategists are here to take your resume and LinkedIn off your plate, and optimize the hell out of it.

collage of pictures of Shaque'l

In this optimization sprint, you get:

A 15 Minute
Discovery Call

…to chat with one of our experts to strategize the fastest, most efficient way to get you to your financial & career goals.


A Resume
Done For You

…optimized to spotlight your transferable skills and successes, and land you more interviews in your career transition. We’ll send it to you within 2 weeks of our discovery call.

LinkedIn Optimization Feedback

…because we get it, LinkedIn can be confusing. So we’ll send you a personalized, review of your LinkedIn profile, giving you tailored recommendations to make it an irresistible goldmine for recruiters.

It can take hours to redo your resume — and that’s if you know what you’re doing. What’s worse, it’s not a one-time thing — you’ve been doing it over and over again trying to get any job that’ll give you a chance.


But hiring managers only look at resumes for an average of 6 to 7 seconds. 


It's best to have an expert on your side who knows what they’re doing.

So, what’s avoiding hours of      

worth to you? 

rotating words

We’ve helped 300+ women just like you get average salary increases of $30k  in the past two years!

$797  for a transformation like this?

That's pennies compared to the big money moves you could be making like these clients:

“I got your resume template and have two interviews already next week!”


“Because of you I've landed a better, higher-paying job! In just six months I've already surpassed my old salary. This year I’m slated to make over double what I made in my last role.”

Amanda C.

“You helped me secure a bigger bag and a promotion within a year!”

Taniesha C.


Career Strategists

Kiya Career Strategist

Kiya Fitzgerald

Career Strategist &

Resume + LinkedIn Optimizer

Truly a Jane-of-all-trades, Kiya has a diverse professional past, and a personal life to match. Finding a career wasn’t easy for her — she always battled between what she wanted to do and what she felt she had to do. After realizing she shouldn’t have to choose between her desires and her budget, she’s made it her mission to help all of you build bridges to dream jobs that help you do what you love.


And she wouldn’t brag, so we’ll do it for her: this powerhouse can play 4 instruments, once headlined a play, and was a DJ for 3 weeks in college! She’s also a mom and soon-to-be wife, spends her weekends hunting for her next cookie fix or taking long drives down open roads, and binges Instagram food videos while snacking on Hershey bars.

Mackenzie career strategist

Mackenzie Perez

Career Strategist &

Resume + LinkedIn Optimizer

As a former qualified mental health professional, Mackenzie dedicated her early career to assisting vulnerable individuals in securing housing and employment, in an effort to foster their journey towards stability. Because of this, not only is she empathetic and supportive as she helps others on their path to 6 Figures, but she's incredibly effective as well. And she can't wait to put her expertise to good use when it comes to helping you!


Mackenzie believes wholeheartedly in the power of a good morning routine and, as such, starts each day with a full, homemade breakfast to stave off brain fog and maintain focus as she optimizes resumes! In her free time, she also enjoys binge-watching TV, listening to music and podcasts, and making lasting memories with her friends.


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Kiya feedback 1


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Got questions? We’ve got answers!

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